


Are you ready to start writing your healthy recipes?

Before you start, here are some quick liveworksheets to help you with some of the things you will need…

This will help you to remember some of the verbs you may need to use in your recipes:

This one will help you with a/an for singular, countable nouns. Be careful, one is a trick!

When we write instructions, we use something called the imperative. Do not worry, this just means we use the infinitive form, like this:

First, mix the sugar and butter. Then, roll out the pastry. Next, cut the cookie shapes. Finally, bake the cookies in the oven.

The verbs are in the infinitive, just like we find them in the dictionary.
There isn’t any subject (I, you, we, they, he, she, name…) because the instructions are for all people in general.

Try this liveworksheet. It is a quick reading comprehension but pay attention to the form of the verbs:

Now, it is time to start writing your recipe.

Please, write in pencil first so I can help you correct things if necessary!


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