
LITERACY 26th February

LITERACY 26th February

 Hi class!

Today, we will continue with the biography writing in class…

First, the verb test please!

Last class, I gave you this paper. You might need to finish it today in class.

This paper is the ‘plan’ / preparation for writing, where you can make short notes about your person.

Some of you might be prepared to start writing. Use your plan/preparation to help you remember facts you have found.

If you are finding it difficult to start writing, remember you have two model texts on page 24 and 25 in your book!

Here is our example to help you:

You can start your first draft in your notebook and I will help you correct it if necessary.


Para poder hacer "Me gusta" en este artículo, debes tener una cuenta de docente o alumno en Pupilpro.

¡Inicia sesión para poder activar tu voto!

Últimas Noticias